

SQL vs. NoSQL Solution
NoSQL data stores
  • Abandon SQL and ACID for simpler data and concurrency model
  • BASE semantics as opposed to ACID gaurantees
    • Basically Available
    • Sofe state - system state may change over time even without input
    • Eventually consistent
  • Key-value, document, column-family, graph

A document is the basic uint of data
A collection can be thought of as a table with a dynamic schema
Single instance can host multiple independent databases
each of which can have its own colletions
comes with a Javascript shell
document is an ordered set of keys with associated values
type-sensitive and case-sensitive
documents cannot contain duplicate keys
key-value paris in documents are ordered

is a group of documents
have dynamic schemas
a single collection have any number of different shapes

groups collections into databases
can host several databases
each database is stored in separate files on disk
to store all data for a single application in the same database

show dbs, use db_name, show collections
.find({"address.building":"386", "address.building":"381"})
==> 조건이 중복될 경우 마지막 381 조건에 만족하는 결과만 return
.find({$and:[{"address.street":"Canal Street"},{"address.building":"386"}]})
.find({"address.street":"Canal Street"},{"address.building":1, _id:0})
//0:column 제외, 1:조회 _id default 조회
.find({amount:{$lt:20, $gt:5}})

.insertMany({hello:'world'}, {good:'night'})

.update({title:'my blog'}, {title:'my blog name'})
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$set:{title:'my blog name'}})
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$unset:{title:''}})
attribute가 하나 였을 경우 record가 삭제됨
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$inc:{pageviews: 1}})
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$push:{name: "joe"}})
adds elements to the end of an array
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$push:{name: {$each:["bob", "kim", "lee"]}}})
use $addToSet to prevent duplicates
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$pop:{name: 1}})
removes it from the end, -1 from the begining
.update({title:'my blog'}, {$pull:{name: "lee"}})

.replaceOne({title:'my blog'},{header:'your blog'})

if no parameter, remove all !
.remove({title:'my blog name'})
.deleteOne({title:'my blog name'})
.deleteMany({hello:'world'}, {good:'night'})

deletes everyting, even the colletion


Data Types
Null : {"x" : null} 
Boolean : {"x" : true) 
Number : {"x" : 3.14}, {"x" : NumberLong(" 
String : {"x" 
Date : {"x" : new Date()} 
• Objectld : {"x" : Objectld()} (a 12-byte ID f
  • Arrays can contain different data types
{"things":["pie", 3.14]}
  • embedded documents
"name" : "John Doe", 
"address" : { 
"123 Park 
  • every documents stored in MongoDB must have an "_id" key
  • all documents must be smaller than 16MB