- Information Visualization
Scientific Visualization : 일상의 내용을 visualization
Information Visualization : abstract data를 visualization
- Definition
Provide tools that present data in a way to help understand
and gain insight from it
- InfoVis is interdisciplinary
cognitive psychology
HCI : using users and tasks to guide design and evaluation
- Expressiveness and Effectiveness
Expressiveness : Vis
idiom should express all of, and only, the information in the dataset
Effectiveness : Most
important attributes should be encoded with the most effective channels -->
ranking of channels
correctness, accuracy, ant truth
- Stevens' Power Law
감각 자극과 감각 경험 간의 관계가 지수 함수로 표시된다는 공식화를 말한다. 감각의 종류에 따라 지수가 다르다
, p : perceived magnitude, a : actual
length judgement 1
area judgement 1
volume judgement 1
- Relative vs. Absolute Judgements
perceptual system mostly operates with relative judgements,
not absolute
Weber's Law : the perceived change in stimuli is
proportional to the initial stimuli
- Preattentive Processing : cognitive operations done preattentively, without the need for focused attention
"pop out" of a display : easily detected regardless of the number of distractors
target detection, boundry detection, region
tracking, counting
- Design Guidelines/Principles
Visual Information Seeking Mantra
first, zoom and filter, details on demand
- Measuring Misrepresentation
- Design Principles
avoid chartjunk
use small multiples
utilize narratives of space and time
- Visualization Analysis and Design
- Definitions and Motivations
computer-based visualization systems provide visual
representations of datasets designed to help people carry out (some) tasks more
- Big picture
- VIS is suitable when there is a need to argument human capabilites
- design visual representations to help people perform task more effectively
- design space is HUGE!
- resource limitations
- analysis instance
WHY the user needs it, WHAT data is shown,
HOW the
idiom is designed
- Transitional use
gain a clear understanding of user's task --> purely
computational solution --> monitoring automatic system is doing right
- Long-term use
- Exploratory analysis
- Vis tool for presentation
- Why use interactivity?
- impossible to show everything at once
- handling complexity and volume
- Visualization Idioms : distinct approach to creating and manipluating visual representations
a tool that serves well for one task can be poorly
to another
- Analysis : Four Levels for Validation
so many possible ways.
Four Levels of vis design
output of upstream
level --> input to downstream level
: upstream errors
inevitably cascade down
Four kinds of threats to
- wrong problem : they don't do that
- wrong abstraction : showing wrong thing
- wrong encoding/interaction technique : way you show don't work
- wrong algorithm : code is too slow
--> proto-typing 을 통해서 미리 validation을 할 수 있다.
- What : Data Abstraction
- semantics : real-world meaning
- attribute, item, link, grid, position
- set : unordered group of items
- list : ordered group of items
- cluster : grouping based on attribute similarity
- path : ordered set + links connecting nodes
- data abstraction : domain-specific to GENERIC
- Why: Task Abstraction
- task abstraction should guide data abstraction
- Analyze > Search > Query
- Discover, Present, Enjoy, Annotate, Record, Derive(경험이 많을 수록 잘 사용 -> visualization idiom 사용의 폭이 넓어짐)
- Marks and Channels
- idiom can be break down into Marks and Channels
- Mark
- basic graphical element : point(0D), line(1D), area(2D), volumn(3D)
- Items / Nodes
- Links
- Channel : a way to control the apperance of marks
- Expressiveness types and effectiveness rankings(1,2 순위는 외울것)
* Better encoding ?
Bar size로 인하여 국가 간의 우선순위 혹은 우열을 내제적으로 표현하고 있어
불필요한 정보를 전달하고 있다.
이 Length를 변경하는데 Stevens' power law에 따라 effectiveness ranking 이 높은 position으로 변경하여 이를 제거한다.
- position dominates the user's mental model
- Preattentive processing
- cognitive operation done preattentively, without the need for focused attention
- popout, segmentation effects
- many channels : tilt, size, shape, proximity, shadow direction, but not parallel line.
- Gestalt Psychology
인간은 자신이 본 것을 조직화하려는 기본 성향을 가지고 있으며, 전체는 부분의 합 이상이라는 점을
강조하는 심리학.
- proximity : same spatial region
- similarity : same value as other categorical channels (color hue, motion, shape)
- connectedness : 모든 channel을 압도하는 가장 강력한 표현
- continuity : 물리적으로 가장 단순하고 이해하기 쉬운 방향으로 이해한다.
- common fate : things moving together
- luminance contrast : Perception of color and luminance is contextual, based on relative judgements
- Perception and Visual Patterns
- Gestalt Principles
- Grouping : avoid explicit grouping
- Proximity
- Similarity
- Continuity
- Common Fate
- Perception of Forms
- Closure : form complete, closed figures to increase regularity
- Area/Figure and Ground/Relative size : smaller one as figure, larger one as ground
- Symmetry : symmetry images are perceived collectively, even in spite of distance
- Fixation-Saccade Cycle
- Fixation : brief stationary period when detail information is acquired
- saccade : flicking rapidly to a new location
- postattentive amnesia
- Rule of Thumbs
- Overview
- no unjustified 2D / 3D
- eyes beats memory
- resolution over immersion
- function first, form next
- Interaction Design and Design Principles
- fundamental design goals is provide the right affordances, good mapping
- right affordance : perceived and actual properies
- right conceptual model
- good mapping : a relationship between controls and their movements or effects
- casuality : iterpesentation of feedback
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